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+ (123) 1800-453-1546

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+ (234) 903-000-2924 + (234) 805-951-1111
Mon - Sat: 7.30am – 8:00 pm Sun: 12:00pm – 8:00 pm
84, Evo Road, GRA Port Harcourt, NG

Welcome to

medicines mart pharmacy

We are a modern professional pharmacy located in the new GRA of Port Harcourt Rivers State. Our team of dedicated and friendly staff has been proudly serving this local community for over 15 years and has established a very strong reputation for delivering trusted care and professional advice to our customers.

We offer a wide range of “over the counter” medicines, everything you would find in a pharmacy and much more. Our friendly team of pharmacist are always on hand to offer professional help and advice to help you improve your general health and wellbeing.

Responsive Delivery

We will deliver to all parts of Port Harcourt City. Delivery cost ranges from N500 to N1000. We deliver free within GRA Phase II.