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It’s that time of year again, where the chorus of noses blown and the coughs; chesty, phlegm or dry ring out loud across the pharmacy for everyone to hear. 

Flu season is well and truly in full swing, and it’s important to know how to best safeguard yourself against getting sick. Here’s how we can help you with both prevention and the cure. 

If you’ve ever recoiled in horror as a sick person unleashes a series of coughs, sneezes, or splutters, (especially when not covering their mouths, and why this is always on the train?) this friends, is for a damned good reason. 

Colds and flu are viral infections which are spread by the virus being exposed to the air (coughing or sneezing). The droplets of fluid expelled by your nose (or throat) can hover in the air up to one meter!  This is when things get crazy and when you can potentially become infected with the virus. 

Touching just about any surface or fellow human being without having washed your hands puts others at risk of catching your cold or flu. Gross! 

However it’s not all doom and gloom! 

Here are a few ways you can prevent the dreaded lurgy ruining your life and running your nose; 

•    Visiting us for a flu vaccination – this is available for anyone over 6 months of age 
•    Regularly washing your hands with soap and water, especially after touching your nose and mouth 
•    Sneezing and coughing into tissues and disposing of them immediately. 
•    Cleaning surfaces such as your phone and keyboard regularly. 
•    Avoiding sharing cutlery and cups 

Vitamins and supplements such as Echinacea, Zinc and Vitamin C are popular immunity boosters. We’ve a variety of natural remedies in store if the vac isn’t for you. These should not be relied on to cure your symptoms, but rather if you notice the symptoms then dose up. 

If you notice any of the following, chances are you have contracted the flu; 

•    Sudden fever, with temperatures of 38 degrees and over 
•    Lethargy 
•    Chills 
•    Aching muscles 
•    Sore throat 
•    Loss of appetite 
•    Sneezing 
•    Dry, chesty cough 

So it happened. 

You’re lying in bed, surrounded by tissues. Netflix is on, but you can’t even bring yourself to watch anything and enjoy it. Brace yourself; the flu has come. 

This is where we come in!

Visit us to find out what we can offer to make your recovery as smooth and as quickly as possible.  Some of these tried and tested remedies will get you on the road to recovery though. 
•    Bed rest 
•    Plenty of fluids – this excludes alcoholic beverages 
•    Keeping warm 
•    As much fresh fruit and vegetables as you can handle.

It is important to note that certain groups in the community should seek medical attention immediately if they have been infected with the flu virus. These include; 

•    Young children and babies
•    Pregnant women 
•    People aged 65 and over 

If in doubt, always consult with your GP or health care professional. 

our first post. Edit or delete it, then start writing!

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  • Anonymous
    August 12, 2019 22:08

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